Zagreb - stan za najam/apartment for rent Šalata € 3.000 For rent

Dvoetažni stan u jednoj od najljepših rezidencijalnih četvrti Zagreba,10 min hoda do centra grada.
U razizemlju se nalazi hodnik, velika soba za prijem, vinski podrum, praonica, spremište, kuhinja s izlazom na veliku terasu (50m2) i prostor za goste koji uključuje malu dnevnu sobu, kupaonicu, spavaću sobu i garderobu. 
Na visokom prizemlju nalazi se ulazni hodnik, dnevni boravak, blagovaonica, kuhinja,  dvije spavaće sobe s garderobom, kupaonica i gostinjski toalet.
Ima centralno etažno grijanje, klime, garažu, sigurnosnu sobu.
Stan je je pogodan za diplomatsko predstavništvo ili rezidenciju i neposrednoj je blizini više veleposlanstava i rezidencija te centra grada.  


Two level apartment at one of the most beautiful area of Zagreb, 10 min walk to the city center.
The ground floor: hallway, large reception room, wine cellar, laundry room, storage, kitchen with the exit to the large terrace (50m2) and  guest  area that consists of:  small living room, bathroom with a bedroom, wardrobe. 
On the upper ground floor: entrance hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms with wardrobe, bathroom and guest toilet.
It has gas central heating, air-conditioning, garage, "panic"/security room.
Apartment is suitable for a diplomatic office or a residence and it is close to several embassies and residences as well as the city center.


General amenities

StorageTerraceGarageCentral heating
GardenElevatorPets allowed